Founded by H.M. Lukminto as a traditional trading
company in Klewer Market, Solo.

Established its first printing factory that produced bleached and dyed fabrics in Solo.

Registered at the Ministry of Industry and established as a limited liability company.

Established its first weaving factory.

Expanded and housed factories with four production lines (spinning, weaving, finishing, garment) under one roof.

Became a military uniform maker for NATO and the German army.

Sritex survived the Asian Finacial Crisis of 1998 and multiplied its growth 8 times compared when it was first integrated in 1992

Despite challenging global economic conditions, Sritex was able to overcome its challenges.

Sritex was able to double its growth and performance compared to 2008.

PT Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk officially listed its initial shares (with ticker code SRIL) on the Indonesia Stock Exchange.

Iwan S. Lukminto was awarded Businessman of the Year by Indonesian Forbes magazine and EY Entrepreneur of the Year 2014 by Ernst & Young.

• Sritex’s expansion by the Coordinating Minister of Human Development and Cultural Affairs, Mrs. Puan Maharani and the Minister of Industry, Mr. Saleh Husin.
• The presentation of award from the Indonesian World Records Museum with the category of “Pioneer and Organizer of the Creation of the Largest Share Investors within a Company” to Sritex.
• The presentation of the 2015 Intellectual Property Rights Award in the category of IP Enterprise Trophy by Sritex from WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization).
• Awarded “Top Performing Listed Companies in Textile and Garment Sector” in 2015 from Investor Magazine.

• Received the Best Performance Listed Companies 2016 from Investor Magazine.
• Received the Best Enterprise Achievers 2016 for Local Giants category from Obsession Media Group.
• Received award as The Best Issuer for Miscellaneous Industry on Bisnis Indonesia Awards 2016.
• Succeed in issuing global bond in the amount of USD 350 million which will be due in 2021.

• Increase of Capital by Non Pre- emptive Rights (“PMTHMETD”) amounting to a maximum of 10% of the Company’s total issued capital
• Successfully issued global bond in the amount of USD 150 million which will be due in 2024.