MNC Sekuritas Invites Customers to Visit Sritex Factory
KOMPAS – MNC Sekuritas is committed to providing the best service for its customers, both retail and institutional. As one form of added value for institutional customers, MNC Sekuritas invited some selected customers to visit the PT Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk (Sritex) factory today. Through this factory visit, MNC Sekuritas customers can see the process of spinning, weaving, coloring, printing, and making apparel (garment) directly at the textile and garment issuer’s factory.
The Managing Director of MNC Sekuritas Susy Meilina stated, that she was paying attention to the customer growth, not only in the acquisition of new customers, but also in increasing the loyalty of existing customers. “Currently MNC Sekuritas has more than 1,000 institutional customers, so the total number of Company’s customers has exceeded 60,000 by July 2019. Significant customer growth is supported by products that answer the needs of the Indonesian people, as well as added value in the form of special programs and promotions for customers, “Susy explained, in her statement on Friday (8/16/2019).
Emitters with the SRIL stock code that have been on the stock exchange since 2013 were considered attractive by MNC Sekuritas Senior Equity Research Analyst Victoria Venny. Venny revealed that SRIL still has attractive business prospects amid fears of a slowdown in the global economy. “The SRIL business prospect is supported by an increase in the export portion of up to 62% -65% in 2019. In addition, the trade war between the US and China will still have a positive impact on the domestic textile industry and can be used as an opportunity for penetration into the US market. We maintain the BUY recommendations for SRIL with a target price of IDR390, “said Venny.
Meanwhile, Sritex President Director Iwan Setiawan Lukminto expressed his gratitude for the achievements he has achieved to this date. This is inseparable from the support of many parties who always support Sritex, including investors and securities companies. “We are optimistic, this year we can grow 10-12% despite the volatile and uncertain global economic outlook. We must remain optimistic that the global market share that has not been fulfilled is still large, and with the current US-China situation, a large portion must be taken by Indonesia, “said Iwan.
At the visitation, MNC Sekuritas customers also had the opportunity to attend the Sritex 53rd Anniversary celebration at the Diamond Solo Convention Center on the same day. The “53 years old Sritex – Indonesia for the World” performance was enlivened by guest stars Tulus and Raisa, as well as fashion shows by several Indonesian designers.