Mr. Iwan Kurniawan Lukminto, born in Surakarta January 22, 1983
Educational Background Bachelor of Business Administration from Johnson & Wales University, Bachelor of Business Administration from Northeastern University and Bachelor of Business Administration from Boston University
Previously he served as Deputy President Director of PT Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk since 2014.
He has more than 20 years of experience and has been involved in the textile industry.
In addition, Mr. Iwan Kurniawan Lukminto is active in various organizations and is also an activist in supporting Indonesian painting artists.
Currently he serves as Chairman of the City Leadership Council (DPK) of the Indonesian Employers’ Association (APINDO) Solo and the Advisory Board of the Indonesian Textile Association (API)
Mrs. Mira Christina Setiady, born in Semarang 20 December 1982
Last education Bachelor of Arts in Visual Communication sub-field Graphic Design and Digital Media, KvB Institute of Technology, North Sydney, NSW. Australia.
Mrs. Mira started her career as a Financial Controller at PT Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk in 2010 and most recently served as Director of General Affairs & Administration since 2019. She has around 13 years of experience in the textile sector.
Mr Welly Salam, born in Pangkal Pinang 22 May 1969
Educational background Bachelor of Economics majoring in Accounting from Trisakti University and Professional Accountant Degree in the Professional Accounting Education Program from the Indonesian Institute of Business and Informatics.
Mr. Welly Salam has more than 30 years of work experience in various fields, namely auditors in public accounting firms, manufacturing industry, garment industry, mining, trade and financial services.
Previously he served as Corporate Secretary of PT Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk since 2012. Currently he is also active in the Indonesian Issuers Association (AEI) as Deputy General Secretary and Chair of the AEI Review Team.
Mrs. Regina Lestari Busono, born in Jakarta August 13, 1976
Last education Bachelor of Commerce from Macquarie University Sydney
Mrs. Regina started her career as an auditor at a public accounting firm and then continued her career in banking for more than 20 years and most recently served as Head of Commercial Banking at PT QNB Indonesia Tbk.
Mr. Supartodi, born in Wonogiri, 30 January 1961
Last education Master of Science from STAI Acprilesma University Jakarta
Mr. Supartodi has experience in the military and leadership fields and most recently served as ASTER KASAD, then he joined the Sritex Group since 2019 and served as Head of the Covid Handling Task Force and General Director of the Sritex Group.
Mr. Karunakaran Ramamoorthy, born in APPAYANAKKENPATTI , 23-May-1967
Last education MBA from West Coast University, USA
He has quite a long experience in the textile industry in many countries before joining the Company. Previously, Mr. Karunakaran served as Production Director of PT Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk since 2003 and has experience in the textile sector for more than 25 years.
Mr Sandeep Kr Gautam, born in Kishanpur, Uttar Pradesh, 7 July 1976
Last education, Bachelor of Engineering from The Government Central Textile Institute Kanpur
He has work experience in the textile sector since 2002 and has worked in various textile industries.
Joined the Sritex group since 2012 and last position was Deputy President Director of Operations at PT Industri Tekstil Sariwarna Asli (affiliated company) since March 2022.
Mr. Teo Khek Thuan, born in Malaysia, 17 June 1966,
Last education Administration Business Executive.
Mr Teo has experience in the textile industry for more than 35 years and has worked for various international companies.
Since 2019 until now he has served as Head of the Garment Division of PT Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk.
Mr. Iwan Setiawan, born in Surakarta on June 24, 1975, with a Bachelor of Business Administration background from Suffolk University, USA and also LEMHANAS Batch 20.
Previously he served as President Director of PT Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk since 2014.
Mr. Iwan Setiawan is also active in various organizations, including as General Chair of the Indonesian Issuers Association (AEI) 2020-2021, AEI Advisory Board since 2021 , Member of the Association of Indonesian Economic Scholars (ISEI) in the Field of Capital Market Development and Investment for the 2020-2023 period, Deputy Chair of the Indonesian Textile Association (API) for the 2020-2023 period, and the Indonesian PB Wushu Honorary Council. He has experience in the textile sector for more than 25 years and has won various awards at national and international levels.
Mrs. Megawati, born in Surabaya on May 4 1976, has a Bachelor of Commerce educational background from Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia.
Served as Commissioner of PT Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk since 2014. Has experience in the textile industry for around 20 years.
Mr. Liem Konstantinus, born March 30, 1961 with a Masters in Management Education background from Pelita Harapan University.
He has more than 20 years of work experience in several national banking institutions with experience in Commercial Banking, Corporate Banking, SME, Branch Network, Corporate Funding, International Banking and most recently served as Business Director at PT Bank KEB Hana Indonesia