As a company that engages in manufacturing sector, Sritex ensures that have been accordance with sustainability principles in conducting its activities namely the balance between “triple bottom line” which is people, profit, planet. The Company measures the success of its business based on corporate social responsibility, its responsibility on environment and benefit. A developing model is not only creating financial profit but also social responsibility.
Sritex recorded USD485.945 for the distribution of economic value on the implementation of whole CSR activities during 2018.
Policies, Program Types, and fees

- EnvironmentInitiative in implementing the environment has been giving a contribution on some efforts to make Sritex as a sustainable business textile. The Company is committed to keeping and improving the performance in maintaining environment for creating long-term environmental friendly textile industry and maintaining business reputation in global market.In 2018, the Company has applied the policies in maintaining the environment, among others:
Sritex’s business operations have been vertically integrated to help the Company to have broader control in its production process. In this case, the Company can determine the use of raw materials that can be renewed to produce products that are more environmental friendly.
Since 2018, the use of renewable raw materials have reached 70% of the total raw materials used.ENERGY CONSERVATION
The energy management system has been being implemented by the Company to control energy consumption referring to the ISO5001 standard. This means that the energy management system has been oriented with the Green Industry. In 2018 the Company succeeded in reducing the number of energy intensity to be 0.143 Gjoule/Piece of clothing product, which has dropped from the intensity of energy usage in the previous year.REDUCE EMISSIONS
The company also fully supports the commitment of the Government of Indonesia to participate in reducing GHG emissions by 29%. Sritex’s contribution in reducing emissions figures is demonstrated through the planned energy efficiency policy. The Company’s energy efficiency program also contributed to the reduction in emissions intensity by 90% when compared to the previous year.WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM
It cannot be undenied that the business operations of the textile industry have an impact in the form of waste for both liquid waste and solid waste. In managing liquid waste, the Company has WTPP / IPAL to treat wastewater from the rest of the production process. In total during 2018, WTPP / IPAL in the Company has processed 100% of the water used for the production process and has been flowed back into the river with proper quality standards. For solid waste, some are reused and discharged into landfills.ENVIRONMENT CERTIFICATION
In the side of Environment certification, the Company has had certification, among others: • ISO14001:2015 • Proper from Minister of Environment • Audit NATO (Bundeswehr Jerman certification)
2. Labor, health and safety practices
The Company sees that the workface is an important part of business operations. Sritex is committed to paying attention to its employees on the issues regarding employment through various mechanisms. Some activities related to employment that have been conducted by the company as
Regarding the granting of rights for employees, Sritex continues to uphold the principle of equality. All regulations and employment opportunities apply to all employees regardless of gender. To qualify all job positions offered only require education and competence. Rights and obligations apply to all employees regardless of gender.
Occupational Health and Safety is a culture that must be implemented by all employees. As an effort to realize zero work accident figures, the Company routinely conducts training on occupational health and safety organized by P2K3 Sritex. In addition, the Company also provides free health services in the form of the 24-hour polyclinic to handle injuries and health problems both work and non-employment.
Corporate Social Responsibility of Sritex on employment conducted through “Return To Work” (RTW) from BPJS Ketenagakerjaan. In 2018, the Company returns accepting the absence of Employees for some months because of accidents to work again. This program also includes the acceptance of diffable employees. At the end of 2018, there were more than 160 diffable employees with their own cases condition to work in.
As one of the keys in the Company’s performance growth, Human Resources is one of the factors that concerned its quality. To maintain and improve HR quality, Sritex has Learning Center and LPK.Sritex Learning Center is a training center for Human Resources from various levels of employees to get soft skills training and a means to expand knowledge relating to work.LPK itself is hard skill training center for employees, especially at the operator level. LPK Sritex also provides training for entry-level employees from ‘unskilled’ to ‘skilled’.Sritex has been providing both in soft or hard skills to 910 employees at various organization levels for 2018.

3. Social and community development
The Presence of Sritex is not only for profit. Since the beginning of its operation, the Company has been committed to its presence that could provide benefits to the surrounding communities. With such commitment, from year to year, the Company continues to improve harmonious relations with the community. In 2018, the Company has contributed to the community through the following programs:
In 2018, Sritex has made infrastructure investments in the form of building houses of worship and schools. Infrastructure assistance to houses of worship, Sritex routinely contributes funds for infrastructure development to houses of worship around the Company’s operational areas, in the Sukoharjo area of Central Java. In addition to houses of worship, schools that given those infrastructure investment assistance were SMK Tekstil Lailatul Qodar in Kenep Village, Sukoharjo, Central Java. This school is a Vocational Middle School that prints ready-to-work resources in the textile field.
Harmoni Alam House is an assistance program of Sritex to boost populist economy for the farmers that struggle the balance of nature through creating integrated empowerment system to create the sustainability of additional income and independence economy. RHA itself has an organizational structure consisting of Boga Tani farmer group. The impact of this program has been directly felt by farmers participating in the RHA program. One of the impacts is the increase of harvest by 33% in 2018.
Sritex collaborates with the Blood Donation Unit of the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) of Sukoharjo Regency in a blood donor CSR activity held regularly, ie every 3 (three) months at PT Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk.
4. Product and / or service responsibilities, accompanied by supporting information
Sritex strengthen its reputation as a textile and convection industry company by reaching global markets. Therefore, the Company has the greater responsibility to meet the expectations of all customers. As a realization of social responsibility towards customers, the company internally instills the number of principles that must be fulfilled by employees in the field of production. Employees are required to understand that Sritex is an integrated textile company that produces the best products.
The quality and grade of Sritex products obtained from the application of an integrated management system. In this case, the Company has obtained ISO 9001: 2015 quality management system certification and ISO 14001: 2015. In addition, Sritex also has certification on raw materials used, namely certificates from Cotton Council International and Oeko-Tex.
The company routinely evaluates the performance of services and products produced through customer satisfaction surveys. In 2018, the survey results stated that the average of customers was quite satisfied with the services and products provided by Sritex.
For readiness to handle customer complaints, the Company provides a channel to receive input and complaints from all stakeholders by contacting via telephone to (0271) 593188, facsimile (0271) 592488, by e-mail through or mail to the address of PT Sritex Rejeki Isman Tbk, Jl. KH. Samanhudi 88 Jetis, Sukoharjo 57511, Solo, Central Java.