Sritex earns income US$ 68.03 million
JAKARTA – Income of PT Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk (SRIL) was US$ 68.03 million in the period of 2017 or rose 14.60% compared to the same period in 2016, at US$ 59.36 million. The increased profit was in line with the revenue performance that increased year on year.
Based on the company’s financial report in 2017, the revenue was US$ 759.34 million. The largest contribution to the revenue came from the spinning at US$ 292.37 million, garment at US$ 199.11 million, finishing at US$ 193.72 million, and weaving at US$ 74.14 million. While the biggest sales market were from overseas, consists of Asia, Europe, United States of America and South Africa, United Arab Emirates and Africa, and Australia. Total export contribution to revenue was US$ 399.86 million and remaining of its sales is from the domestic market at US$ 354.48 million.
In the same period in 2016, the revenue was US$ 679.939 million. The largest contribution came from the spinning at US$ 260.67 million, finishing at USS$ 175.67 million, garment at US$ 174.30 million, and weaving at US$ 69.28 million. While the biggest sales market were from overseas, consists of Asia, Europe, United States of America and South Africa, United Arab Emirates and Africa, and Australia. Total export contribution to revenue was US$ 354 million and remaining of its sales is from the domestic market at US$ 322.93 million. (LK)
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